Wednesday, January 24, 2007


January Recap - now that it is winter!

I had a wonderful, albeit short, weekend in New York Jan. 6-8. When I arrived in the Big Apple Jan. 6 it was over 70 degrees outside!!! I don't think it got below 50 while I was there. We enjoyed an afternoon walking all over Manhattan trying to find a neighborhood diner for brunch - we were successful and ate like we were starving. (I hadn't eaten since 4:30 a.m. central time and it was after 1 eastern time - so I was really hungry!) Sarah and I went on to Brooklyn and spent the afternoon walking and people watching in Prospect Park. I love that people in the 'Big Cities' really get out and use their parks on wonderful, warm, sunny days. There were more adults, kids, babies and dogs than I had seen all in one spot for a long time. Everyone was friendly, and really enjoying the fresh air.

When it started cooling off we decided to go to the Brooklyn Museum for their First Saturday evening of exhibits. When we approached the museum we saw hordes of people outside waiting to get in. It was decided then and there we'd come back first thing Sunday for the Annie Leibovitz exhibit. Instead of the museum, we went to get a burger at Bonnie's Burgers (very highly recommend this little diner - great burgers & fries). We also saw a movie, "Volver" with Penelope Cruz, really fun and enjoyed by both of us. We did get to the museum again on Sunday - after a bagel & cream cheese at La Bagel Delite (Delight). I can't remember how they spell it! The Leibovitz exhibit was worth the crowds. We were both glad to be in and out fairly early, though. It got very hot and very crowded within about an hour of opening time. We also saw their Visible Storage display - it was a museum storage are where everything is climate - light, temperature, etc. - controlled and really fun to see. There are computer terminals around the room for research purposes. Really a neat area. After brunch with Sarah's boyfriend at a nice little cafe near his apartment we went into Manhattan. We headed right for Strands - 18 miles of BOOKS! Yes, I bought more books. These are here, inventoried and on the shelf (or nearby) waiting for you all to come in and buy them! The books I bought in Manhattan were mostly Civil War and Abe Lincoln related. I am sure I have nothing that the hard-core collectors need, but some casual readers of that era might find something interesting. I also have the books from Texas inventoried and on the shelves. Stop in and see if there is anything you might need.

On Monday, before I headed for the airport, I took a tour of The Gimbel Library at Parsons The New School for Design where Sarah works. She loves her job as a librarian, and she loves where she works. It was fun to see, now I can picture her at work!

Since I've been home we've had some snow and the Texas kids have had extra 'winter weather' days off from work. When San Antonio, TX gets ice, they have no salt supplies to put on the bridges & overpasses, so everything freezes and get dangerous. Scott and Monica had Jan. 16 & 17 off work. That gave them a 2-day work week! Also, Rachel has two teeth now and has a great smile that shows them off well, as you can see from the above picture!

Thanks, Scott!

Enough for now - Keep Reading!

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