Friday, July 13, 2007


Don't you just love when we get spring weather smack dab in the middle of summer? It has been a great week in Central Illinois.

We had a great time in Texas in early June, then the kids came here the first week of July. We had fun with them here too and spoiled our granddaughter rotten - we did our job, and very well, I might add! She is a delight: loves water, music, being outside, swinging and of course eating! She is very close to walking another week or so, maybe.

Here are some photos of Rachel, our 1-year-old granddaughter having a good time in Illinois. She loved playing in the small fountains I have around and she loved Grandpa's boat. Avanti's spaghetti was also a big hit as were the garage sale toys we bought. We had a house full of family and friends on July 4th and had to wake Rachel up from a nap to say goodbye, that is why she is fussing in the picture with her grand-
mothers. Rick's Mom, Betty Vroman, is on the left and my Mom, Jean Carter, is on the right. We had a really nice time and were so happy to have everyone with us that day. A big thanks to Mary Beth and Marcia for making sure the 'greats' made it.

We have gotten settled back into our dull routines at home. I go to work, Rick goes fishing. I keep planting flowers, the critters keep eating them - and sometimes pulling them out by the roots! Too bad we can't keep the dog outside all night to chase whatever it is that is wreaking havoc on my attempts to have flowers in the back corners of our yard.

Anyway - this month seems to be a family blog instead of a book store blog. I hope no one minds. We are trying to get books inventoried, but we can't seem to get caught up at all. In fact, I should be doing inventory right now, or putting books away or something useful - maybe after lunch.

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